PLEASE NOTE: The actual website won't look anything like this! This is just a nod to the original website.
Also, I am not the creator of the original site. I was simply a huge fan of it!
If you're curious what this is all about, When I got my first laptop, long before I learned web development, I spent most of the mid to late 2000s (2005-2008) browsing this incredible art gallery website ImageNETion.com.
It was filled with galleries from amazing Sci-fi and Fantasy artists from the 1940s through to present day. I actually found my favourite artist, Luis Royo, from browsing this site. I never would have heard of him otherwise.
As an aspiring artist myself, I learned a lot from the artists I found on that site; Luis Royo, Dorian Cleavenger, Bob Eggleton, Juan Giminez and Tony Mauro (to name just a few).
The collection on that site was unparallelled, and since the site shutdown in 2016, all those images are probably lost, or at least, no longer to be found in a single easily browsable place. This site aims to correct that.
As a child of the 80s and 90s, it's a nostalgia project for me, but I also think it is important to preserve these artists work in one archive. And since the WayBack Machine does not preserve images, I am going to start building that collection once again.